RATIONES RERUM 22: Articolo Sara Massafra


Tra obbedienza e oltraggio: il latino nelle IX Ecloghe di Andrea Zanzotto

Anno edizione: 2023
Formato 17×24 – pp. 143-163
ISBN 9791281673014 – ISSN 2284-2497
Prezzo: € 8,00

SKU: 9791281673014-8 Categoria:
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Rationes Rerum 22

Tra obbedienza e oltraggio: il latino nelle IX Ecloghe di Andrea Zanzotto

This article examines Andrea Zanzotto’s relationship with the classical literary tradition, dwelling on his constant respect for conventions and his daring tendency to break them, especially concerning Latin tradition. In his work, and particularly in the poetic collection IX Ecloghe (1962), it is possible to find a direct evocation of Latin language and culture and an explicit use of Latinisms. Mention is also made of the project – never realized – of a multi-voice translation of Virgil’s Aeneid that Zanzotto had proposed to the publisher Mondadori, as preser ved in his correspondence with the publishing house’s secretariat.