RATIONES RERUM 22: Articolo Fabio Pusterla


«Operazioni» e «logiche operative»: appunti sulla traduzione nel Novecento

Anno edizione: 2023
Formato 17×24 – pp. 13-27
ISBN 9791281673014 – ISSN 2284-2497
Prezzo: € 8,00

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Rationes Rerum 22

«Operazioni» e «logiche operative»: appunti sulla traduzione nel Novecento

The author – who has long dealt with translation, with a particular focus on modern and contemporary European poetry – outlines the main theoretical developments on this issue that characterize the debate of the last fifty years and have profoundly redefined the genre of translation. In fact, it is currently customary to speak of “text-translation”. Next, he discusses the specificity of translations from ancient classics, asking whether, and in what way, it is possible to reflect on them similarly as to how we do so on modern ones.