RATIONES RERUM 24: Articolo Francesca Panetta


Metafore e lessico dell’esilio nelle consolationes e nelle tragedie di Seneca

Anno edizione: 2024
Formato 17×24 – pp. 73-95
ISBN 9791281673144 – ISSN 2284-2497
Prezzo: € 8,00

SKU: 9791281673144-4 Categoria:


Rationes Rerum 24

Metafore e lessico dell’esilio nelle consolationes e nelle tragedie di Seneca

This article examines Seneca’s depiction of exile following the edict of banishment to Corsica issued by the Emperor Claudius in 41 AD. The analysis focuses on the metaphorical and lexical dimensions of this experience, particularly through the imagery of to fall, shipwreck, and medicine. Such metaphors are explored in relation to both Seneca’s consolations and tragedies, revealing a semantic continuity between these works and highlighting the complexity of exile.