RATIONES RERUM 23: Articolo Donatella Erdas


Le comunità civiche di Magna Grecia fino al V secolo a.C. tra rappresentanza politica, controllo della cittadinanza e magistrature

Anno edizione: 2024
Formato 17×24 – pp. 211-233
ISBN 9791281673052 – ISSN 2284-2497
Prezzo: € 8,00

SKU: 9791281673052-11 Categoria:


Rationes Rerum 23

Le comunità civiche di Magna Grecia fino al V secolo a.C. tra rappresentanza politica, controllo della cittadinanza e magistrature

Between the 6th and 5th centuries BC, many Greek colonies of Magna Graecia explored new forms of political and institutional organization, while others ceased to exist as poleis. The political and institutional experiences and the civic arrangements they assumed over time were conditioned by their history and took different forms as a result. Although the unevenness of the sources makes it difficult to propose uniform interpretative models for the cities of Magna Graecia compared, for example, to the Sicilian poleis, features of contiguity can nevertheless be identified, even among apoikiai of different origins. This article proposes some reflections on the political experiences of Magna Graecia up to the 5th century BC, especially in relation to forms of political representation, control of citizenship, and some magistracies.