RATIONES RERUM 22: Articolo Pietro De Marchi


Giorgio Orelli e i classici: echi e citazioni (qualche appunto)

Anno edizione: 2023
Formato 17×24 – pp. 131-142
ISBN 9791281673014 – ISSN 2284-2497
Prezzo: € 8,00

SKU: 9791281673014-7 Categoria:
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Rationes Rerum 22

Giorgio Orelli e i classici: echi e citazioni (qualche appunto)

The author, who has already dealt with Giorgio Orelli’s several translations from Lucretius, focuses here on the quotations and echoes of classical texts in Orelli’s poetic work. In addition, he pays attention to certain re-actualized classical “situations”; for example, the tale of the return to Ithaca, or the narration of something that happens far away and outside the main scene. Some final remarks are devoted to the question of the translation of classical verse into Italian and to the phono-semantic aspect of the texts, both ancient and modern.