RATIONES RERUM 21 – Rivista di filologia e storia


Autori vari
Anno edizione: 2023
Formato 17×24 – Pagine 168
Confezione a filo refe in brossura
Copertina plastificata con bandelle
ISBN 9788899846824 – ISSN 2284-2497
Prezzo: € 50,00

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Lavinio Del Monaco, Prestiti tra privati in età arcaica: il caso di Corcira, p. 9    →Estratto

Maria Elena De Luna, Su alcune dinamiche emozionali nell’Anabasi di Senofonte. L’ἐνάργεια come prospettiva interpretativa, p. 25    →Estratto

Roberto Sammartano, Diodoro Siculo e le identità etniche dei Sicani e dei Siculi, p. 45    →Estratto

Michael D. Reeve, Seneca’s anapaests: three notes on brevis in longo, p. 75    →Estratto

Francesca Romana Nocchi, Conchiglie dai segreti inconfessabili: spigolature a Mart. 2, 47, p. 95    →Estratto

Sergio Brillante, Sul nome di Cassio Dione: l’ignorata testimonianza di Fozio, p. 107    →Estratto

Emanuele Dettori, Διαστρέφω “filologico”: una nota lessicale, p. 119    →Estratto



Pier Giovanni Guzzo, rec. di Gianfranco Maddoli, L’invenzione della “Magna Grecia”. Migranti di ieri, migranti di oggi, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2022, p. 125

Maria Barbara Savo, rec. di Gianfranco Mosconi, Democrazia e buon governo. Cinque tesi democratiche nella Grecia del V secolo a.C., Milano, LED, 2021, p. 133

Maria Barbara Savo, rec. di Sabina Castellaneta, Euripide e la Macedonia, Alessandria, Edizioni dell’Orso, 2021, p. 137

Salvatore Monda, rec. di Titus Maccius Plautus, Pseudolus. Introduzione, testo con scansione metrica completa e commento a cura di Marco Borea, Hildesheim – Zürich – New York, Georg Olms Verlag, 2022, p. 142

Filomena Bernardo, rec. di Fabio Gatti, Un ciceroniano nella Controriforma. Giovanni Pelliccioli e i classici greci e latini, Bergamo, Archivio Bergamasco Centro Studi e Ricerche, 2020, p. 148

Carlo di Giovine, rec. di Convergenze di filologia. Un confronto fra metodi di ricerca, a cura di Francesca Bini, Linda Molli e Camilla Poloni, Pisa, University Press, 2022, p. 154


Libri ricevuti, p. 159

Abstracts, p. 163

Indice analitico (a cura di Carlo Di Giovine), p. 165

Istruzioni per gli autori, p. 167


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un’anteprima del volume

Lavinio Del Monaco
Prestiti tra privati in età arcaica: il caso di Corcira
p. 9-24
Eight inscribed leaden plates, found in Corcyra in the Palaiopolis district and datable between the 6th and 5th centuries BC, represent an important dossier for the study of the economic and social history of the archaic age; these are loans between private citizens, but their purpose remains obscure. The certified sums, expressed in extenso or through the acrophonic system, are almost always between 100 and 200 units; the attestation of IG IX, I2 4, 866, ll. 3-4 (ϝεξέϙον|τα καὶ ϝεξακατίας), which is outside the norm, suggests that the unit of account was not the stater, but the drachma, since it evidently implies a feminine plural term. In this way, it is possible to reconstruct the quantities of loans disbursed, which find precise confirmation in the contemporary numismatic documentation. Finally, the units 101 and 201 probably also include the interest (τόκος) due to the repayment of the debt (καταβολαί).


Maria Elena De Luna
Su alcune dinamiche emozionali nell’Anabasi di Senofonte. L’ἐνάργεια come prospettiva interpretativa
p. 25-43
Chapter 8 of Plutarch’s Life of Artaxerxes provides the starting point for a theoretical premise around the concept of ἐνάργεια. The article proposes to use this notion to evaluate some emotional mechanisms in Xenophon’s Anabasis.


Roberto Sammartano
Diodoro Siculo e le identità etniche dei Sicani e dei Siculi
p. 45-73
In his short account about the origins of Sicanians and Sicels, Diodoros focuses on the process leading to the modification of the identity traits of these populations, from language to their education system which progressively became Greek; they eventually lost their previous ethnonyms. This picture can be hardly ascribed to the sources employed by Diodoros for the account of the so-called “Sicilian Archaeolog y” in the first chapters of Book V (especially Timaeus); instead, it should be read in the light of changes occurring after Roman conquest of Sicily. For the gradual changing of identity traits of Sicanians and Sicels, up to a redefinition of these peoples as Siceliotes (that is, Greeks), seems to be connected to a sort of reaction and response to Rome and its ideology. Romans enhanced fictious ethnic kinships (such as that connecting the Elymians to the refugees from the Trojan War), and in so doing they tried to include non-Hellenic peoples of Sicily within Roman cultural heritage.


Michael D. Reeve
Seneca’s anapaests: three notes on brevis in longo
p. 75-94
The three notes concern the anapaests of Seneca’s tragedies, in particular the definition and varieties of brevis in longo and the quantity of final o. Use is made of an unpublished contribution by W.S. Barrett, and some textual problems are discussed.


Francesca Romana Nocchi
Conchiglie dai segreti inconfessabili: spigolature a Mart. 2, 47
p. 95-106
In Martial’s epigram 2, 47, on pederotic relations, there is an allusion to the tale of Venus born from a shell, a myth having apparently iconographic origins. In the poem the importance of the “active” role of the Roman man in love relationship is also highlighted.


Sergio Brillante
Sul nome di Cassio Dione: l’ignorata testimonianza di Fozio
p. 107-118
The article sheds new light on the praenomen of the historian Cassius Dio. Photios, in the Bibliotheca (ch. 71), calls him Lucius, but the inaccuracy of the modern editions of this work has overshadowed this information. Nevertheless, this praenomen is confirmed by a Roman military diploma discovered in 1985 (AE 1985, 821), in which to the name of the consul Cassius Dio is prefixed the letter L.


Emanuele Dettori
Διαστρέφω “filologico”: una nota lessicale
p. 119-123
Attestations of the verb διαστρέφω in a philological contexts and hypotheses on the reasons for this semantic development.