RATIONES RERUM 19: Articolo Martina Gatto
8,00 €
Da Schiller alla Rosa Bianca. Licurgo, Aristotele e due volantini contro il Terzo Reich
Anno edizione: 2022
Formato 17×24 – pp. 173-190
ISBN 9788899846800-9 – ISSN 2284-2497
Prezzo: € 8,00
- Descrizione
Rationes Rerum 19
Da Schiller alla Rosa Bianca. Licurgo, Aristotele e due volantini contro il Terzo Reich
Between 1942 and 1943, the anti-Nazi group called the White Rose distributed six leaflets against the Third Reich. Although there is an extensive bibliography on these pamphlets, the presence of references to the ancient world has not been adequately investigated. Therefore, this article focuses on two leaflets by the White Rose: the first leaflet, which explicitly mentions the lawgiver of Sparta and its constitution through a quote from a passage by Friedrich Schiller’s essay Die Gesetzgebung des Lykurgus und Solon, and the third leaflet containing a quote from Aristotle’s Politics on the tyranny of Syracuse.