Studi e ricerche sulle Marche nell’antichità
ISSN 0394-3968
Anno Edizione: 2018
Saggi e articoli
S. Antolini – S. M. Marengo – G. Paci, Fasti ed altri materiali epigrafici di Urbs Salvia. Verso l’edizione del corpus delle iscrizioni della colonia, p. 9-34
Si presentano alcune novità da Urbs Salvia (Urbisaglia, MC) costituite da frammenti di Fasti consulares degli anni 314-312 e 173-162 a.C.; lastra con menzione di opere pubbliche finanziate da Gaio Salvio Liberale Nonio Basso insieme al figlio Gaio Salvio Vitelliano e frammento con carica decurionale; bollo di anfora di C. Galerius, bolli laterizi della gens Vitia o Vitellia e degli Herennii. Urbs Salvia, fasti consulares, c. Salvius liberalis nonius Bassus, c. Salvius Vitellianus, bolli anforari, bolli laterizi.
A. Buonopane, Quattro signacula ex aere provenienti dal territorio di Ascoli Piceno e conservati nei Musei Civici di Reggio Emilia, p. 35-43
In the Musei civici of Reggio Emilia there are four signacula ex aere from the territory of Ascoli Piceno. These were sold to the Museo di Storia in the second half of the nineteenth century, along with numerous other finds, always found in the territory of Ascoli Piceno, from Romualdo Braglia, who had worked in that area for several years. among these is interesting a signaculum with the inscription P·D·F, which, known in at least thirteen copies, belongs to the group of multiple signacula, with equal form and with identical text, but often found in localities different and distant from each other. Very interesting is also a signaculum with two onomastic elements in greek, which unfortunately cannot be completed. Signaculum, instrumentum inscriptum, ascoli Piceno, gaetano chierici, Museis civici of Reggio Emilia.
B. Rossignol, Ordinem Alexandriae dedit. Une note sur Aetrius Ferox et Antonin Le Pieux (C.I.L. XI 5693-5694, Tuficum), p. 45-54
The inscriptions for sextus Aetrius Ferox in tuficum are not an evidence for a journey of Antoninus Pius in Egypt. We had to explain Aetrius’ career by the patronage of his superior Caius Valerius eudaemon, prefect of Egypt in AD 142 and therefore prefect of the Vigiles until AD 141. Sextus Aetrius Ferox, Antoninus Pius, Caius Valerius eudaemon, tuficum, prefect of the Vigiles, prefect of Egypt, centurio, AD 141.
Note e relazioni
G. Baratta, Frammenti di gioco da Vrbs Salvia: su una tessera lusoria in osso, p. 57-64
In questo breve lavoro vengono presi in esame due esemplari di così dette tesserae lusoriae rinvenute ad urbs salvia. si tratta di due pezzi interessanti sia da un punto di vista della distribuzione geografica sia per quanto riguarda il loro corredo epigrafico. Piceno, regio V, urbs salvia, tesserae lusoriae, archeologia romana.
F. Demma, Monte Rinaldo: sessanta anni di ricerche e restauri presso il santuario romano de “La Cuma”, p. 65-122
Sixty years of archaeological research and monumental restoration at the Cuma site of Monte Rinaldo (Fm) left very few traces in the scientific bibliography. This article begins the work of publishing the data on the Roman sanctuary that was discovered there in 1957, presenting a critical history of the research and restoration of one of the most significant monumental complexes in the entire Middle-Adriatic area. The rich presentation of numerous reliefs and excavation photos, previously unpublished, is accompanied by a critical review of the hypotheses advanced up to now and a brief introduction to current and forthcoming studies, some of which are here anticipated. Picenum, Roman Architecture, Research History, Archaeological Monuments Restoration, Latin Colonial Cults, Sanctuary.
G. Gori, Il sito archeologico di Calmazzo, p. 123-175
The article deals with the results of the excavations that took place in the Eighties of the last century in Calmazzo (Fossombrone – Forum Sempronii), where the remains of a wide sepulchral enclosure (13,37 x 10,30 mt) were brought to light. It was intended as the burial area of members of the same family Cissonia (C. Cisso Festus, Cissonia Festa, C. Cisso Zosimus). Two memorial stones were dedicated to them, originally placed one besides the other, on a high base made of wide steps. The structure of the enclosure, in stone, alternates supporting boundary stones and slabs, all standing on a low curb. The endowment items (of which a catalogue is provided) can be easily compared to those found in Urvinum Mataurense necropolis, brought to light by Liliana Mercando and dated by her between the I century A.D. and the first decades of III century A.D. Calmazzo, Sepulchral Enclosure, Forum Sempronii, Memorial Stones, gens Cissonia.
M. Mayer Y Olivé, De nuevo sobre C.I.L. IX 5771 y el valor de pellici en el mismo, p. 177-181
This note complements a previous paper on the meaning of the term pellici in C.I.L. IX 5771 with new elements that seem to increase the possibility of that pellaci was the underlying form of the text. Epigraphy, Roman History, Funerary Epigraphy, Carmina Latina Epigraphica, Ricina.
Schede e notizie
E. Catani, Epigrafe sentinate ritrovata a Foligno: C.I.L. XI 5745, p. 185-198
This paper gives an account of the finding of the tombstone of Caius Aetrius naso, which took place in Sentinum at the end of the 18th century. For a few decades, the tombstone was preserved in the palace of the Merolli Roselli family in Sassoferrato; later it was transferred to Foligno by Cesare Sanzi Petroselli – sole heir – and reused for his funeral epitaph. Nowadays, it is preserved in the City Museum of Trinci Palace in Foligno. Sentinum, Sassoferrato, Foligno, Mosaic, Aiòn, Caius Aetrius Naso.
S. Petrelli, Tre lucerne di imitazione africana conservate nel Museo Diocesano d’Arte Sacra di Jesi, p. 199-208
Three African oil lamps of imitation found in 1932 or 1935 in what was later called Campo Boario. Although the accounts of oil lamps are much smaller than those of pottery, their distribution follows essentially that of the sealed, especially in the central-northern region of the region, due to the greater intensity of archaeological research. All three lamps belong to the Hayes IIA and Hayes IIB class, which appeared around 425 and, very abundantly, from the second half of the 5th century to the end of the 6th century and attested until the middle of the 7th century AD. It is the most widely documented type of African lamp in the Marche region. African Lucerne Hayes IIA Hayes IIB.
Lettere di Theodor Mommsen agli Italiani, a cura di M. Buonocore (G. Paci), p. 211-214
F. Belfiori, «Lucum conlucare Romano more». Archeologia e religione del “lucus” Pisaurensis (G. Paci), p. 215-222
Schede per località
Montelupone (MC) (C. Capponi), p. 223-233
Muccia (MC) (E. Biocco), p. 235-251
Numana (AN) (S. Finocchi), p. 253-282
Offagna (AN) (M. Bilò), p. 283-287
Offida (AP) (F. Pizzimenti), p. 289-308
Ortezzano (FM) (T. Capriotti), p. 309-315
Pedaso (AP) (F. Pizzimenti), p. 317-321
Peglio (PU) (M. Cruciani – M. G. Cerquetti), p. 323-329
a cura di F. Cancrini – G. Paci – M. Pasqualini, p. 331-339