Studi e ricerche sulle Marche nell’antichità
ISSN 0394-3968
Anno Edizione: 2015
Saggi e articoli
F. Belfiori – S. Sisani, Bambini in fasce dal lucus Pisaurensis. Contributo alla rilettura storica e cultuale del materiale votivo, p. 9-30
Abstract: The article will focus on a group of clay votive materials, that of children in diapers, from lucus Pisaurensis. The discovery of new artefacts, the review of known ones and the comparison between archaeological and epigraphic data, outline a framework about religion of roman and latin people, who settled in the Ager Gallicus at the beginning of the third century B.C. In this context it’s possible underscore strong ties between worship and social and political sphere. Roman religion, archaeology of cult places, lucus Pisaurensis, children in diapers, Ager Gallicus romanization.
M. Corona, Un frammento di scultura romana con corazza di tipo ellenistico da Ascoli Piceno, p. 31-52
Riassunto: Il frammento scultoreo, risalente al periodo tardo repubblicano, conservato nel deposito del Palazzo comunale di Ascoli Piceno, può essere interpretato tanto come elemento di statua iconica pubblica (di natura celebrativa) o privata (forse di ambito funerario) quanto, più probabilmente, come elemento di trofeo antropomorfo: in mancanza, tuttavia, di dati oggettivi certi, non sembrano possibili ricostruzioni del tutto sicure. Inequivocabile è, invece, l’ascendenza greca del modello, derivante dal tipo ellenistico della corazza, forse legata all’imitazione del prototipo costituito dall’armatura di Alessandro Magno (imitatio Alexandri). Ascoli Piceno, periodo tardo repubblicano, corazza ellenistica, imitatio Alexandri.
N. Frapiccini – M. Pasqualini, Riflessi del tardo ellenismo in un corredo muliebre da Ancona, p. 53-72
Abstract: The funerary contest found in the grave 409 from Villary at Ancona, belonging to a young woman, give rise to some reflections on tke meaning adumbrated by the choice of certain special items placed in the grave, as elements of self-representation by the local élite. In this specific case, the presence of a funeral bed decorated with bone, with references to the Dionysian sphere, a ring with a greek inscription, a rare lamp on high foot, a silver plate engraved with an inscription in greek characters, reveal strong connection of the deceased with a hellenistic cultural milieu. Necropolis, funeral bad decorated with bone, jewelery, Hellenism.
M. Mayer i Olivé, La carrera de Sextus Aetrius Ferox de Tuficum (Regio VI), p. 73-86
Abstract: The revision of the Sextus Aetrius Ferox’ career and his extraordinary promotion by Antonine Pius in Alexandria contributes to prove, perhaps definitively, the emperor’s presence in the city. Roman Empire, Tuficum, Epigraphy, Antonine Pius, Alexandria.
Note e relazioni
M. Bilò – O. Francioni, L’acquedotto romano di Numana: nuove acquisizioni dallo scavo di via Morelli, p. 89
Abstract: The remains found during road repair work in Via Morelli in 2014 are part of the surviving water-pipe system that was part of a larger hypogeum, usually known as the “Roman Aqueduct of Numana”. Even today, the ancient water pipe extends for more than one kilometer between Sirolo and Numana. It starts in “Capo d’Acqua”, which is located in “San Lorenzo di Sirolo” and continues along the catchment basin of the “Mulini” trench (located in “Cupetta di Sirolo”) and “Fonte di Sirolo” trench, right up to the area of the ancient “contrada del SS. Crocifisso” (the current historical centre of Numana) behind the present day church; it then proceeds through Via Morelli and heads south. The various depths and gradients of the water pipe allowed for groundwater to be carried to the ancient urban area of Numana. The pipe was burrowed into the rock and covered with a mixture of limestone and mortar, using the cut and cover technique. Up until the extensive construction work of the 1960s, and following radical changes in the ancient urban area of Numana, this part of the aqueduct supplied water to the Fontana del Crocifisso (built in the 17 century and, despite many modifications, still visible near the church of Numana) and judging from the route of this water pipe, probably to some public wash houses and fountains located in Via Roma, in the direction of “contrada della Torre” and port. Aqueduct, ipogeo, hydraulic, Numana, roman remains.
F. Biondani, Le lucerne africane nel territorio marchigiano: i rinvenimenti dalla via del Foro di Suasa, p. 121-162
Abstract: Among the lamps found in excavations executed by the University of Bologna in via del Foro of Suasa (Ancona), there are five very interesting specimens of African production (Forms Atlante VIII and X), including one with busts of the Apostles on the shoulder. If we consider the samples of domus of Coiedii, we have from Suasa a total of about twenty items (the imitation items are roughly as many). The few African lamps foude in the Marche region are distributed mainly along the coast and are present both in cities and in rural sites. Figurative subjects of these lamps are very common: in particular Christological monograms, crosses, symbolic animals and the episode of the Pathfinders of Canaan appear among the Christian ones. Suasa, Marche, African lamps, African imitation lamps.
L. Cariddi, Ricerche sull’acquedotto romano di Cingoli, p. 163-192
Abstract: The research is started by the consultation of the Pennacchioni Archive (1969), preserved in the Ascariana Public Library of Cingoli, which collects documents related to the Roman aqueduct in the city. In the early twentieth century the Engineer Coletti was commissioned by the Mayor of reactivating the old pipe that fed the source Sant’Esuperanzio outside the walls of the medieval village, in order to improve the water supply of the municipality of Cingoli. An underground tunnel, which communicated to the surface with vertical wells of ventilation, was known to the inhabitants because it had been used to transport water to the mentioned source since fifteenth century. Archival and epigraphic records with autopsy surveys have allowed the reconstruction of the section of the aqueduct emptied by Coletti and specify the development towards the walls of the municipium in Borgo San Lorenzo and from the point of the spring collection. Furthermore the ancient place names “Ponticelli” and “Ponte Secco”, employed to mark out the area attributable to the initial section of the aqueduct, have received a new interpretation in the light of the data collected in the field. Cingoli, Pennacchioni Archive, Aqueduct, Water Supply.
A. Coen, I materiali da Belmonte Piceno al Museo Preistorico ed Etnografico Luigi Pigorini, p. 193-254
Abstract: Silvestro Baglioni, in an article published in Notizie degli scavi di antichità in 1901, described some pre-Roman materials found just before in Belmonte Piceno (AP), his hometown. These were transferred to the Museum of Prehistory and Ethnography Luigi Pigorini of Rome in 1901, where the are currently located. Since many objects from the necropolis of this center were unfortunately lost because of the bombing of the Archaeological Museum of Ancona during the Second World War, an in particular the pottery, looks really very interesting this lot in Rome, offering precisely the opportunity to frame the types of materials spread in the Picean center especially in the phase Piceno IVA. These are mainly bronze objects, mostly jewelry, but there are also some pottery vases, as we said usually lost. Piceni, Belmonte Piceno, Silvestro Baglioni, Museo Preistorico ed Etnografico Luigi Pigorini, pottery.
L. Taborelli, A proposito di bolli e di etichette: gli unguentari di vetro di C. Lucretius Festivus, p. 255-270
Abstract: Some blown glass unguentaria bear the name of C. Lucretius Festivus underneath. He was the maker and perhaps the dealer of a precious unguent, maybe aromatic or medicinal. It was used in places far and wide, circa the middle of the II century A.D. The author compares the stamp specimens bearing that name, which have not only a few differences in appearance but also quite different kinds of preservation and quality of documentation. The Porto Recanati – Potentia’s specimen is used as a sample to compare with others because it is integral and more easily legible than the others. Also the hypothesis about the presence of a label integrating the stamp is considered. It is impossible, at the moment, to state where the workshop was, perhaps in Rome or in Campania. unguentaria could have been carried on a ship sailing for the western Mediterranean, otherwise proceeding along consular roads particularly the Flaminia. In fact the tyrrhenian wares were conveyed along this important road towards the Po plain across the middle-northern regions of the adriatic coast. The quality of the graphic and photographic documentation of the specimens adds to a kind of epigraphic approach. This will be fundamental in order to take advantage of the precious edition of CSMVA, Corpus des signatures et marques sur verres antiques. Aromata, stamp, long-distance commerce, medicamenta, pharmacopola, medicinal label, Porto Recanati – Potentia, unguentaria, glass.
Schede e notizie
G. Lepore – S. Antolini – F. Branchesi – F. Galazzi, Novità epigrafiche da Senigallia, p. 273-296
Abstract: Il contributo presenta alcuni documenti epigrafici recentemente recuperati a Senigallia, che possono gettare nuova luce sulle fasi più antiche della città e sui rapporti commerciali che nel tempo si andarono a costituire. Si tratta di quattro anfore Lamboglia 2 e di passaggio Lamboglia 2 / Dressel 6A, che hanno restituito tre bolli che inseriscono la colonia di Sena Gallica in un contesto commerciale adriatico, e un graffito che menziona un personaggio con un cognome di matrice illirica, e di un frammento di iscrizione funeraria, che permette nuove ipotesi sulla collocazione delle necropoli di età romana nel tessuto della città. Sena Gallica, anfore Lambroglia 2, instrumentum inscriptum, iscrizione funeraria.
S. M. Marengo, Appunti su C. Lucretius Festivus e i suoi unguentari, p. 297-302
Abstract: The article takes in exame some of the problems that affect the production of C. Lucretius Festivus: the social context, the characteristics of the stamp, the reading of the sample from Trier C.I.L. XIII 10025, 8. Unguentaria with stamps, C. Lucretius Festivus, M. Eprius Clemens, T. Clodius Eprius Marcellus.
Urbs Salvia I. Scavi e ricerche nell’area del tempio della Salus Augusta (C. Delplace), p. 305
Gli Umbri in età preromana (G. Paci), p. 309
Atti del IV Convegno Internazionale di Studi Veleiati (G. Paci), p. 316
Spoglio dei periodici
Simblos. Scritti di Storia antica (S.M. Marengo), p. 323
Schede per località
Monte Grimano (PU) (W. Monacchi), p. 325
Montelabbate (PU) (C. Delpino), p. 341
Monteleone di Fermo (FM) (G. Postrioti), p. 353
Montelparo (FM) (G. Postrioti), p. 361
Montemaggiore al Metauro (PU) (M.G. Cerquetti), p. 371
Montemarciano (AN) (M.R. Ciuccarelli), p. 373
Montemonaco (AP) (F. Demma), p. 395
Monte Porzio (PU) (M.G. Cerquetti – M. Pasquini), p. 399
Monteprandone (AP) (N. Lucentini), p. 405
Monterado (AN) (G. Paci), p. 425
a cura di F. Cancrini – G. Paci – M. Pasqualini, p. 427
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