Studi e ricerche sulle Marche nell’antichità

ISSN 0394-3968


Anno Edizione: 2019

Saggi e articoli

N. Lucentini
Complessi con elementi celtici nel Piceno meridionale, tra Tenna e Vibrata, e un corredo chietino, p. 9-49
Collection objects, sketches, and new documentation from old excavations reveal the presence of a strongly celtized elite in the territory around modern Ascoli Piceno characterized by the use of objects of local manufacture but Celtic taste (bracelets, cauldrows) more than actually Latenian objects (swords, elms). Between Aso and Vibrata emerges a network of small groups of tombs documenting the likely dominance of this elite for at least a century (first half 4th – first half 3rd cent. BC). Offida, where some burials adopt allogene costumes (ankle, torque warrior), seems to be the main centre of this elite. Piceno, celtic materials, celto-italics productions, Master of Baltimore.

Y.A. Marano
La cristianizzazione delle città delle Marche in età tardoantica (IV-VI sec. d.C.), p. 51-114
In comparison to other areas of northern and central Italy, the study of Christianization process in nowadays Marche, broadly corresponding to the territory of Augustan regio V – Picenum, suffers from the lack of a homiletic and epistolographic production that would allow to approach the spread of the new faith and the strengthening of the ecclesiastical institutions at a local level. Notwithstanding this, the integrated use of the totality of archaeological, epigraphic and written evidence (i.e. papal letters and conciliar lists) provides a coherent picture of the emergence of a Christian topography in the towns of Picenum within the period from roughly 300 to 600 AD. Marche, Late Antiquity, Christianization, early Christian topography, towns.


Note e relazioni

F. Belfiori
Disiecta membra dal Piceno: nuove considerazioni sulle terrecotte architettoniche di Offida (AP), p. 117-140
This paper offers a re-exam of the architectural terracottas from Offida (AP) according to a new chronological and typological analysis. The aim is to understand better both the historical and archaeological context of provenance and their relation to similar production from Late-Republican sacred architecture in Central Italy. Architectural terracottas, covering and decorative roof systems, Offida, sacred building, sanctuaries.

M.R. Ciuccarelli – M. Bilò
Archeologia preventiva ad Ancona, p. 141-166
In the city of Ancona in the Marche region, a sector of a late Roman burial ground was discovered in piazza Cavour during preventive archaelogical research, near a large necropolis piazza on the hill sides of Cappuccini and Cardeto, occupying all the Pennocchiara’s moat. The burial ground comprised five tombs of “cappuccina” type and one into a wooden case. With the exception of tomb 5, cortaining a glass unguentarium, no funerary ser was found. On the basis of stratigraphic data and analysis of the few objects found, it is possible to say that the burial ground was in use between the imperial and the late Roman period. Ancona, Pennocchiara‘ moat, Roman burial ground.

D. Di Michele
Anfore dalle Marche: una breve revisione dei dati editi, p. 167-177
This paper aims to identify some amphoras found in the Marche region (Porto Recanati, Urbino and Colombarone) to better understand imports in Roman times. Marche, Porto Recanati, Colombarone, amphoras, imports.

S.M. Marengo
A proposito di un alfabetario, p. 179-187
Re-exam of a Latin alphabet of the middle Republican age engraved after cooking on a Suasa bowl (Castelleone di Suasa – AN), in which the trident sign and letters E and F with two strokes appear. Alphabet, graffito, Suasa, writing.

V. Lani
L’anfiteatro di Fanum Fortunae, p. 189-204
An archaeological excavation carried out between 1996 and 2000 has brought to light some structures relating to Fanum Fortunae Roman amphitheatre. The article traces the history of its discovery and traces diachronically the topographic development of this part of the city through the planimetric restitution of the building and the reading of the excavation data even after its abandonment. Fano, Roman urban planning, amphitheatre, archaeological excavation, opus vittatum.

L. Pedico
Centuriazione e sistemi alternativi di divisione territoriale: il caso di Attidium e Tuficum, p. 205-223
In the Roman Age, the urban centres of attidium and Tuficum flourished in the territory between the modern Sassoferrato and Fabriano. The lack of information about dynamics of development makes any statement of detailed assumptions concerning the primal set-up and their land borders problematic. Important information are from Liber coloniarum, a precious source about the territorial set- up of the centres in the Roman Age. This information will be compared with historical sources, toponomastic and geomorphological data to recognize, verify and reconstruct the attidium and Tuficum centuriation. Centuriation, Liber Coloniarum, Attidium, Tuficum, the Marches.

G. Sinopoli
Domus romane di via Fanti ad Ancona: scavi e contesto urbanistico, p. 225-285
The Roman complex found in Ancona between via Fanti and via Orsini is reconstructed here for the first time on the basis of the avaiable documents. It is possibile to offer a detailed description of the structures and of their phases of construction. Their chronology depends on the style of frescoes and pavements, waiting for future study of the objects collected during the archaeological excavations. The area was part of a lavish residential block, not far from the most important public spaces and with a view of the sea. Ancona, urban excavations, Roman houses, documentation, urban context.


Schede e notizie

G. Paci, I liberti ascolani di Tito Elvio, p. 289-294
The discovery of new epigraphs definitively solves the problem of reading C.I.L. IX 5215 and allows to know new freedmen of a t. Helvius, one of which bears the celtic surname Alaucus. Asculum, Helvii, freedman, Alaucus.

Schede per località
Osimo (AN) (S. Finocchi), p. 297-318

a cura di F. Cancrini – G. Paci – M. Pasqualini, p. 319-325


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