Studi e ricerche sulle Marche nell’antichità
ISSN 0394-3968
PICUS XL – 2020
Anno Edizione: 2020
Saggi e articoli
Luisa Brecciaroli Taborelli
Ceramiche stile “West Slope” nella necropoli di Ankon. Una sposa greca (?), p. 9-53
Abstract: This paper examines three ceramic vessels decorated in the “West Slope” style from two burials in the necropolis of Ankon, dating to the first half of the 2nd century B.C. The morphological and stylistic analyses suggest they were made in pottery workshops situated in the central regions of mainland Greece, at present unknown. The exceptional presence of these vessels in the necropolis of Ankon offers a starting point for an excursus on the distribution of “West Slope” style pottery outside Greece along the Ionian-Adriatic coasts; it is the chance to add two unpublished containers from Syracuse to the rare examples already documented. Only three forms (thorn kantharos, plate and conical cup) are attested suggesting their distribution through trade. For each instance of different forms and specific function, it may imply that they were carried as personal items. In the case of Ankon the connection with the mundus muliebris is highlighted; in particular, the unusual tomb group from which the amphora and the pyxis come suggests that it belonged to a woman of Greek origin, who had taken her preferred wedding gifts with her to her new homeland.
Ankon, “West Slope” Pottery, Ionian-Adriatic basin, Grave goods, Ethnicity.
Werner Eck
Zur Entstehung der kaiserlichen Gladiatorenschulen in Rom: Der ludus Dacicus, p. 55-67
In der Kaiserzeit wurde die Ausbildung von Gladiatoren bald in kaiserliche Regie übernommen. Im 2. Jh. existierten in Rom vier ludi: ludus Magnus, ludus Matutinus, ludus Dacicus und ludus Gallicus. Umstritten ist aber, wann sie eingerichtet wurden. Nach dem Chronographen von 354 soll Domitian ludos IIII errichtet haben. Obwohl diese Aussage nicht selten von der Wissenschaft übernommen wurde, ist sie unzutreffend. Sicher ist, dass eine spätestens unter Nero bereits zwei kaiserliche Gladiatorenschulen in Rom existierten: der ludus Magnus und der ludus Matutinus. Das hatte man schon bisher partiell auch gesehen, doch die beiden anderen sollen weiterhin auf Domitian zurückgehen. Doch ein cursus honorum eines Claudius Ilus zeigt, dass der ludus Dacicus auf die Zeit Traians zurückgeht.
Gladiatorenschulen in Rom; ludus Magnus, ludus Matutinus, ludus Dacicus und ludus Gallicus; Zeitpunkt der Einrichtung der ludi; procurator ludi Dacici; Traian.
Note e relazioni
Francesco Belfiori – Paola Cossentino – Francesco Pizzimenti
Il santuario romano di Monte Rinaldo (FM). Relazione preliminare delle campagne di scavo 2017-2019, pp. 71-122
The paper deals with preliminary results of new excavation in the Republican sanctuary of Monte Rinaldo (FM) carried out by the Department of History and Culture of Bologna University, between 2017 and 2019.
Picenum, sanctuaries, Archaeology of Cult Places, Roman Architecture, Roman Colonization, Monte Rinaldo.
Dario Di Michele – Filippo Venturini
Studio preliminare sulle anfore rinvenute nella Domus di Europa a Forum Sempronii, pp. 123-148
The preliminary study of the amphorae found during the 2015-2019 excavations in the so-called domus of Europe in Fossombrone enriches the picture on regional production and imports in the Marche in Roman age. Data from previous studies are confirmed; production and imports are reviewed to be redefined, highlighting a wider variety and complexity not previously attested.
Amphorae, Forum Sempronii, Production, Imports.
Anna Gamberini – Anna Spinazzi
Il vasellame vitreo dalla Necropoli Orientale di Suasa, pp. 149-189
The recent excavations of the Oriental Necropolis of the municipium of Suasa (AN), to which is dedicated a monographic work forthcoming, brought to right a large quantity of glass objects, nostly unguentaria, and tableware. Their study increases our knowledge about this important class of materials, but also is useful to date the depositions and to understand the ritual practices. Their state of state of preservation – rarely intact, more often fragmented – and in some cases, their deformation indicate their use as primary or secondary grave goods and, also, as post depositional offerings.
Suasa, Glass, Necropolis, Ritual Practices, Imperial age.
Gianfranco Paci
Una signora di Urbs Salvia finita a Salona, pp. 191-197
A third century AD funerary inscription on a sarcophagus from Salona, now preserved at the Museum of Spalato, mentions Publilia Paetina domo Urbisalviae. Her husband Visidienus Marcellus, who probably moved to Salona, remembered the woman for her rarus adfectus.
Urbs Salvia, Salona, sepulchral formulas, history of people.
Marco Tentori Montalto
L’iscrizione funeraria di Secundus da Firmum Picenum e il collegium di schiavi pubblici, pp. 199-208
Dieser Aufsatz liefert die Erstedition der Grabinschrift eines gewissen Secundus, die sich in einem Privathaus in Firmum Picenum (heute Fermo) befindet. Die Inschrift lässt sich auf das 2. Jh. oder auf den Anfang des 3. Jh. n. Chr. datieren und weist darauf hin, dass der Widmer Heracla ein öffentlicher Sklave der Bürger von Firmum und Secundus ein Mitglied eines sodalicium bzw. eines collegium war. Dazu wird die These vertreten, dass Secundus selbst ein öffentlicher Sklave und Heracla ein Mitglied desselben collegium war. Bislang waren lediglich fünf Belege für öffentliche Sklaven in der gesamten regio V (Picenum), davon keiner in Firmum, bekannt. Zuletzt lässt eine Inschrift aus Asculum (heute Ascoli Piceno) auf die Anwesenheit eines collegium funeraticium schließen, dessen Mitglieder höchstwahrscheinlich auch öffentliche Sklaven waren.
Grabinschrift, Picenum, Kaiserzeit, öffentliche Sklaven, collegium.
Schede per località
Palmiano (AP) (Andrea Marziali), pp. 211-214
Penna San Giovanni (MC) (Diego Voltolini), pp. 215-219
a cura di F. Cancrini – G. Paci – M. Pasqualini, pp. 221-228
Roberto Rossi (1945-2018) (Gianfranco Paci), pp. 229-236