RATIONES RERUM 24: Articolo Maria Barbara Savo
8,00 €
Poikilia. Frammenti di una trasformazione irreversibile
Anno edizione: 2024
Formato 17×24 – pp. 21-40
ISBN 9791281673144 – ISSN 2284-2497
Prezzo: € 8,00
- Descrizione
Rationes Rerum 24
Poikilia. Frammenti di una trasformazione irreversibile
The age of Lycurgus is rightly considered a key moment in the transformation process of Athenian history, and the Atthidographer Phanodemus seems to have contributed significantly to the creation of a “new” Athens. The earliest attestation of this historian, dated 343/2 BC, is offered by an epigraphic document (IG II3 306) in which some formulas, while tracing the courtly language of the fifth century, are radically resemanticized in a democratic key. Among the formularies of this inscription, there is one relating to the propitiatory dedications, ἐφ’ ὑγιείαι καὶ σωτηρίαι τοῦ δήμου τοῦ Ἀθηναίων καὶ παίδων γυναικῶν τῶν ἐν τῆι χώραι πάντων, which is a significant reprise of an expression already used by Aristophanes and could refer to the so-called Decree of Themistocles, which in those years was repeatedly cited in Athenian courtrooms.