Studi e ricerche sulle Marche nell’antichità
ISSN 0394-3968
Anno Edizione: 2016
Saggi e articoli
M. Mayer i Olivé, A propósito de Ann. éprig. 1985, 354 de Helvia recina Pertinax, p. 9-21
Abstract: The rereading of an inscription of Ricina (Villa Potenza, Macerata, Ann. épigr. 1985, 354) allows to propose the presence of the tribe Collina in this city, and to do some social considerations on the promotion in civil area of the freedmen. Roman Epigraphy, Ricina, freedmen, Roman Society, History of Rome, Collina tribe.
G. Paci, Ancora sul nome di Urbs Salvia, p. 23-44
Abstract: La dedica alla Salus Augusta del Tempio-criptoportico di Urbisaglia scopre l’intenzione del suo costruttore – Gaio Fufio Gemino, console del 29 d.C. – di esprimere un vistoso omaggio (ma anche di mettere in piedi una forma di culto imperiale) nei confronti di Livia, la moglie del defunto Augusto, che aveva assunto il nome di Augusta nel 14 d.C., sua potente patrona. Lo spunto per l’operazione gli fu suggerito dalla moneta fatta coniare dal senato nel 22/23 d.C., in cui il nome della Salus Augusta era abbinato all’immagine dell’imperatrice, a suggerirne l’identificazione. Fu poi lo stesso Fufio Gemino, nell’ambito di questa operazione, a dare il nome di Urbs Salvia alla sua città, nata come colonia graccana con il nome di Pollentia: probabilmente un gioco sottile per legare a Livia, identificata con Salus Augusta, il nuovo nome della città e la città stessa. Urbs Salvia, Livia Augusta, culto imperiale, nuova denominazione di città romana.
Note e relazioni
R. Borgognoni, Come una colonia. Vetustas e statuto giuridico di Urvinum Mataurense secondo Lorenzo Abstemio, e l’attualizzazione dell’antico in età feltresca, p. 47-81
Abstract: In order to counterbalance previous research which outlined with disproportionate clarity the Dukes of Urbino’s interest in local antiquity, an analysis is proposed of the entry «Urbinum» created by the humanist Lorenzo Abstemius († 1507 ca.) for his geographical dictionary, which was devoted exclusively to the ancient age. In particular, he examined Aulus Gellius and Paulus-Festus in his attempt to equate the the status of municipium, granted to Urvinum Mataurense, to that of colonia. This endeavour could be traced back to the need to promote the image of Urbino in the context of the other cities along the Adriatic coast (all of them former colonies), where neighbouring signorie had been established, and, above all, Rimini ruled by the Malatesti. Nevertheless, the past of Urbino as reconstructed by Abstemius would not have found its way to inclusion in the propaganda of the Montefeltro family. Lorenzo Abstemio, Montefeltro, Malatesti, Urbino, geography, antiquarianism.
T. Casci Ceccacci – E. Biocco – M. Pasqualini, Matelica (MC). il sepolcreto rurale di epoca romana in località I Cavalieri, p. 83-112
Abstract: In the city of Matelica, province of Macerata in the Marche region, in a small area called I Cavalieri, a Roman Period burial ground was discovered in the south-west sector of a plain during preventive archaeological research prior to the creation of an industrial area. Found nearby a villa and close to ancient thoroughfares, the group of tombs developed in a densely populated area starting from the end of the Iron Age. The burial ground comprised forty-two tombs containing both adults and children. The funerary rituals can be identified as both inhumation and cremation (busta sepulcra), although cremation was rather rare, being documented in only six burials. The inhumation tombs, two of which have instruments for profusiones (libations), usually consist of a simple pit; only in a few cases have tiles used for the placing under and covering of the interred body. Basing of stratigraphic data and analysis of the few objects found in the burial pits, it is estimated that the burial ground was in use since the first century BC to the all second century AD. Matelica, Cavalieri, tombs, busta sepulcra, profusiones tools.
M. R. Ciuccarelli – S. Virgili – I. Lambertini, Dal villaggio all’Abbazia. Recenti indagini archeologiche nel chiostro di S. Maria in Castagnola a Chiaravalle (Ancona), I, l’età del Bronzo, p. 113-130
Abstract: Stratigraphic archaeological excavations carried out in the S. Maria in Castagnola Abbey’s cloister (Chiaravalle, AN), permitted us to reconstruct, though only partially, a new and unexpected history of this site, where, in the Middle Ages, one of the most important architectonic complexes of the region, but significant at a national level as well, has been erected. In this contribution we will discuss, at a preliminary level, the evidence that can be linked to the earliest occupation of a site whose later evolution spanned well into the post-medieval and modern eras. More precisely we will present the archaeological data concerning the phases of the Middle-Recent Bronze Age, consisting of layers rich with archaeological material, mostly objects of everyday use (pottery, bone, bronze), and structures preserved in negative (an artificial ditch, post-holes) which are indicative of permanent occupation. Although the interpretation of this evidence is rendered difficult by the numerous later interventions and by the limited extension of the excavations, the finds from Chiaravalle add significantly to the reconstruction of protohistoric occupation of the lower Esino valley. Chiaravalle, S. Maria in Castagnola Abbey, Middle-Recent Bronze Age, permanent occupation, pottery.
V. Gonzáles Galera, La organización de espactáculos teatrales en época antonina y severiana: de nuevo sobre Ann. épigr. 1956, 67, p. 131-142
Abstract: In this paper we aim to analyze an inscription regarding an anonymous pantomime, Ann. épigr. 1956, 67, whose importance for our understanding of the organization of pantomime shows in the Antonine and Severan period in Rome as well as in Italy and western provinces is exceptional, since it contains the entire career of the artist, although in a very fragmentary state. We develop the statements made by previous scholars about the text on this inscription and explore the possibilities that such implications may have. Finally we propose some new textual reconstructions. Pantomime, imperial organization of shows, Roman theatre, theatrical troupes.
S.M. Marengo, T. Rufrenus Sp.f. Serenus e i bolli degli Ennii ad Ausculum Picenum, p. 143-169
Abstract: New edition of Ann. épigr. 1946, 186 (Asculum Picenum, regio V) that recalls the municipal career of T. Rufrenus Sp. f. Serenus from seviratus to the cura pecuniae Ennianae. In appendix a list of bricks made by the Ennii between late first century B.C. and early second century A.D. Epigraphy, Asculum Picenum, gens Rufrena, gens Ennia, Brick Stamps
D. Van Limbergen, A note on Olives and Olive Oil from Picenum (Marche, Northern Abruzzo). An oscured food Product within the Economy of Central Adriatic Italy in Roman Times?, p. 171-182
Abstract: This contribution briefly addresses the supposedly marginal role of olive oil production in ancient Picenum (Marche and northern Abruzzo). By reviewing some of the key advancements made in recent years with regard to the regional press and amphora evidence, it provides the basis for looking at this issue with fresh eyes. The author hereby pleads for reassessing the nature of oleoculture in this central Adriatic region in Roman times. Olives, presses, amphorae, economy, Picenum.
Schede e notizie
S. Antolini, Minima epigraphica Asculana, p. 185-190
Abstract: We present a new reading of an inscription already known (C.I.L. IX 5201) and an unpublished epigraphic fragment from Asculum Picenum. Epigraphy, Asculum Picenum, Roman Age.
G. Baratta, Il fregio dorico di Villa Censi Mancia ad Albacina (Fabriano, AN), p. 191-203
Abstract: This paper examines a doric frieze found in Castelletta in 1931 and now conserved at Villa Censi Mancia in Albacina. We propose for the frieze hypotheses about possible architectural structures in which the piece originally belonged and a datation. Roman archaeology, doric frieze, Tuficum, Albacina, Castelletta.
S. Petrelli, Due epigrafi romane a Barcaglione di Falconara Marittima (AN), p. 205-209
Abstract: Two Roman funerary inscriptions affixed to the wall of a house without a Barcaglione Falconara Marittima. The first recording is relevant to a Libertus and probably refers to a family tomb. The second, however, is relative to a certain Romana, which are also indicated the experienced years. Roman funerary inscriptions, family tomb, I-II century AD.
L’Augusteum di Fanum Fortunae. Un edificio del culto imperiale nella Fano dell’età romana (G. Paci), p. 213-218
Gaetano Marini (1742-1815) protagonista della cultura europea. Scritti per il Bicentenario della morte (G. Paci), p. 218-222
Spoglio dei periodici
EIDOLA. International Journal of Classical Art History (S.M. Marengo), p. 223
Schede per località
Monte Roberto (AN) (I. Venanzoni), p. 225-240
Monterubbiano (FM) (C. Di Cintio), p. 241-252
Montesampietrangeli (FM) (V. Antongirolami), p. 253-255
Monte San Giusto (MC) (A. D’Ulizia), p. 257-260
Monte San Martino (MC) (M. Tadolti), p. 261-263
Monte San Vito (AN) (I. Venanzoni), p. 265-268
Monte Urano (FM) (M.C. Profumo), p. 269-274
Monte Vidon Combatte (AP) (A. Marziali), p. 275-279
Monte Vidon Corrado (AP) (M. Pasqualini), p. 281-282
a cura di F. Cancrini – G. Paci – M. Pasqualini, p. 283-294
Giovanna Maria Fabrini: 1949-2015 R. Perna, p. 297-308
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